Inter Faith Week 2021: Bridge Over Troubled Water

December 2, 2021

We celebrated Inter Faith Week last week with a fantastic event at St Margaret’s House in Bethnal Green.  The event aimed to celebrate the work of local faith groups, to build resilient faith communities and highlight the unique offer that faith provides society. Over 50 people attended the event, hearing from a variety of speakers.

Mayor John Biggs, on the hard work that faith groups across the borough have done throughout the pandemic and the strong interfaith links in the borough.

Sister Christine Frost of Neighbours in Poplar, on the value of carers, helping people with internet skills by teaming up young with old as buddies.

Peter Christmas of Quaker Social Action on providing digital and financial skills, increasing resident’s confidence in navigating the online world, as well as providing vital advice on funeral costs.

Sufia Alam of East London Mosque, on how Imams supported the community to be safe during the pandemic, adapting to running the mosque digitally, and the relationship with the public health team.

Jeremy Simmons of FaithAction, who spoke about how faith settings can be ‘Friendly Places’ – places of welcome for those with mental health issues.

Somen Banerjee & Abigail Gilbert of Tower Hamlets Public Health, who reflected upon a timeline of events during Covid-19 and how faith groups were involved.

Various local groups joined the event as stall holders, The Feast, Met Police, Positive East, Tower Hamlets Talking Therapies, FaithAction and Tower Hamlets Neighbourhood Watch; all had service information on hand to give out to attendees.

St Margaret’s House provided some lovely vegan cakes with tea and coffee – attendees enjoyed them through the break and activity session.  Attendees were asked to share their opinions on: concerns for communities, solutions to these concerns, barriers to working with statutory providers and resources that faith can offer secular partners.