Join our Focus Group to input into the new LBTH Cohesion Plan
What are your views on peoples’ relationships with other members of the community in our borough, what are your feelings about ‘belonging’ and ‘pride’ in Tower Hamlets?
Join us at an online focus group, to share your thoughts and opinions, and be part of developing a new Cohesion Plan for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
The focus group will be facilitated by Belong, a national charity which works to promote cohesion and integration, and the session is one of several focus groups being held for members of different groups of people in Tower Hamlets.
LBTH Council are keen that the views of people of faith are represented in the new plan, and the focus group is a great opportunity to have your voice heard.
The focus group takes place on line at from 6pm-7:30pm on Monday 30 September.
Spaces are limited, so please do get in touch with to secure your spot. All participants will receive a Love2Shop voucher in appreciation for taking part.