
Tower Hamlets Council has a number of consultations running at present.

Consultations aim to involve residents in everything the council does and to strengthen relationships with our diverse communities. It’s key they listen to the views of our residents, businesses and partners to shape the design of local services, develop policies or take action to address an issue. For further information, take a look at the community engagement strategy 2018 – 21.

It is vital that the opinions of faith leaders and faith communities are taken into account. So please take a look at the consultations running currently:

Building new council homes – An opportunity for residents to help shape the deliver of new council homes, both by having a say on planned and ongoing projects and by helping to identify future sites.

Liveable Streets – The Liveable Streets programme aims to improve the look and feel of public spaces in neighbourhoods across our borough and make it easier, safer, and more convenient to get around by foot, bike and public transport (running for a number of different locations).

Planning Policies – The council are talking with residents, businesses, community groups and developers to guide the future planning framework so they want to hear your views to make sure future developments work for the community.

Test & Trace Survey – Your feedback will help the council to better understand what barriers Tower Hamlets residents may face engaging with NHS Test and Trace.