
Faith Calendar 2025

Produced by the Forum, this A3 wall calendar lists all days of significance in 2025 for the following faiths: Bahá’í, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judiasm, Paganism, Rastafarianism, Shinto, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism.

You can download it here.  We have a limited amount of hard copies available – please email for more info.

Hate Crime in Tower Hamlets

THIFF works closely with Tower Hamlets Police to monitor reporting statistics for hate crime in the borough.

Reporting a hate crime

Anyone can report hate crime.

In the event of an emergency — such as an incident that is ongoing or has just happened — call the police by dialing 999.

If it is not an emergency, you can report the incident to the police by dialing 101.

When calling the police, it is possible to report an incident anonymously. However, we encourage victims to provide personal details that can aid the investigation.

Any evidence you can provide can help with the investigation. This includes:

  • A description of the perpetrator(s);
  • Details of any other witnesses to the incident
  • A record of all ongoing and previous incidents
  • The originals of any hate mails etc. that you have received
  • Evidence (e.g. photographs) of property damage, graffiti, etc. When possible, do not clean up damage before reporting the incident.

However, even if you do not have clear evidence, we still en courage you to report any hate crime you experience or witness. For more information, please visit the Council website.

Our Vision for Tower Hamlets

The Inter Faith Network

The Inter Faith Network for the UK (IFN) works to build good relations between people of different faiths and beliefs, promoting mutual respect and understanding. IFN also disseminates advice, support, information and best practice to support interfaith relations across the country. Click here to read more about them.

IFN resources

Religious Education

Here you will find various resources to aid in the teaching of Religious Education, along with the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and the details of SACRE (The Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education).

For copyright reasons, some of these resources are password protected.

For access, please complete this form.

Access resources