Forum News

THIFF Annual Report 2023-24

Our Annual Report is now available to download! With a foreward from our Steering Group and Cllr Maium, Deputy Mayor of Tower Hamlets, the report details of the work that the Forum has done in the past year, including: Our events Forum meetings Vision and manifesto Partnership working You can read the THIFF Annual Report […]

Can your setting support the LBTH Severe Weather Emergency Provision? 

Can you provide space to protect some of our must vulnerable residents during cold weather? Tower Hamlets Council invite you to join a 30 minute online session at 9:30am on Thursday 14 December. If you would like to join the session, you can use this link: Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 391 282 007 433 […]

Inter Faith Week 2023 – event overview

  Inter Faith Week is time each year to strengthen inter faith relations at all levels, celebrate the contribution that faith groups make to their neighbourhoods and to wider society, and to increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs. We held an event in Bethnal Green, focused on food insecurity and the ongoing […]

THIFF Forum Meeting Review October 2023 – Small Grants Fund & State of Sector

  THIFF Forum Meeting Summary: Small Grants Fund & State of Sector We held another Forum Meeting, this time looking at the Tower Hamlets Small Grants Fund and the THCVS State of the Sector report. We were pleased to hear presentations from Khalid Sali, Tower Hamlets Council, VCS Development Officer on the Small Grants scheme […]

THIFF Annual Report 2023

Our THIFF Annual Report 2022-2023, has been published.  The report highlights our vision, structure and achievements and activities durin the time period, including our forum meetings, inter faith events, collaboration and partnership working, and project work.   The report starts with an introduction from our steering group, as seen below.   “We are one of the many […]

Forum Meeting Review – June 2023

Our recent Forum Meeting looked at current council priorities, and took place at East London Mosque.  We were joined by attendees online and in person, who heard from speakers from Tower Hamlets Council, with the opportuity for attendees to voice their concerns and ask questions. Lima Khanom of the council’s Violence Against Women and Girls […]

Review of Faith, Funding & AGM

We held our AGM and funding meeting last week, which included a tour of the new Town Hall. We also heard from Tower Hamlets Council and Tower Hamlets CVS on new funding programmes and support available for funding.   Thank you to all that attended. Take a look at the full summary here!  See the […]

Celebrating Faith & Health – the FHAP project

The Faith Health Action Partnership (FHAP) held an event last week at Christ Apostolic Church to celebrate the success of the project. The council funded project led by FaithAction has directly reached over 200 people, and indirectly reached another 400, providing clear benefits to people that attended.   Speakers included Georgia Ramirez, of Tower Hamlets […]

We are looking for new members to join our Steering Group!

We are looking for new members to join our Steering Group! Would you like to join our steering group, and be a part of helping providing a voice for faiths in the borough?  We are looking for enthusiastic members from faith communities in Tower Hamlets to join our Inter Faith Forum – a vibrant and action […]

Safer Communities, Jan 2023: Forum Meeting Review

Our first forum meeting of 2023 focused on Safer Communities, a top concern for many people in the borough.  We were very pleased to be joined by fantastic speakers: Superintendent Andy Port, Neighbourhood Policing, Central East – Hackney and Tower Hamlets Councillor Ohid Ahmed, Cabinet Member for Safer Communities Charles Griggs, Safer Communities – London […]