Our THIFF Annual Report 2022-2023, has been published. The report highlights our vision, structure and achievements and activities durin the time period, including our forum meetings, inter faith events, collaboration and partnership working, and project work.
The report starts with an introduction from our steering group, as seen below.
“We are one of the many faith-based social action organisations and activities that play a valuable role in serving the diverse communities in Tower Hamlets and are pleased and proud to have worked across the borough with partners, old and new, over the last year. Whilst many of these partners and activities are an extension of what some may regard as more traditional faith practices, the pandemic taught us their impact on everyone in the borough is important and cannot be denied.
They do make a real difference to people’s lives and they bring hope. Just as decision-makers need to view THIFF as an active partner and not just a client, outgoing THIFF Chair, Revd. Preb. Alan Green also reminded us that many opportunities exist for faith communities to “be far more open about your work” too.
The year continued to be a time of substantial uncertainty. With Covid-19 still impacting local services, rising energy and food prices and political change locally and nationally, there was no let-up in the challenges facing the borough. For THIFF too it was a period of transition as we said goodbye to Rev. Preb. Alan Green (moving to pastures new) and welcomed Sufia Alam, Head of Programmes at the Maryam Centre, London Muslim Centre as Interim Chair of THIFF. Gratitude to both for their unbounded energy and vision.”
—THIFF Steering Group; Sufia Alam, Jan McHarry, and Leon Silver