Tower Hamlets Inter Faith Forum are holding a free event to tackle faith hate crime during Inter Faith Week 2019. The event will focus on raising awareness and features guest speakers, stalls hosted by local organisations and facilitated group discussions that everyone can take part in.
Confirmed speakers:
Dr Daniel Nilsson DeHanas, Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Religion at King’s College London: Populism and Its Religious Side: Populism is on the rise around the world. However, the religious dimensions of populism have usually been neglected. In this talk, Daniel Nilsson DeHanas will explain what populism is, how it has ‘religious’ aspects, and what the implications of this are for issues such as faith hate crime.
Benedicta Dikeocha, No Place for Hate: Updating on the work of No Place for Hate.
Fiyaz Mughal, Founder of Muslims Against Antisemitism (MAAS): MAAS seeks to challenge antisemitism wherever it comes from, as well as educate communities across the UK on what is antisemitism and how it can be challenged.
The event will answer the questions: What has been achieved so far? What more can be done? How can we all make Tower Hamlets No Place for Hate?
Tea, coffee and a light buffet will be available.
How to get there
From Bethnal Green Underground Station (Central Line), take the Museum of Childhood exit. Proceed along Museum frontage to the first corner which is Old Ford Road. Turn right into Old Ford Road and No.21 is on the other side of the road, just past York Hall.
Bus: 8 / 106 / 254 / 309 / 388 / D3 / D6.
Car: Parking in Victoria Park Square, Approach Road and other surrounding roads – however spaces are very limited.