Join us for our first forum meeting of 2023!
Feedback gathered last year showed that the top concern for many residents is crime. Our forum meeting will ask the question, what else can be done to build a safer community, and what part do faith groups play?
Join us to discuss concerns, challenges and solutions – share your experiences of work that tackles crime, and find out what initiatives are happening locally.
Featuring guest speakers:
- Superintendent Andy Port, Neighbourhood Policing, Central East – Hackney and Tower Hamlets
- Krzystof Rycerz, Hate Crime Officer, Central East – Hackney and Tower Hamlets
- Councillor Ohid Ahmed & Charles Griggs, on Safer Communities – London Borough of Tower Hamlets
- Abidah Kamali – Tower Hamlets Partnership Plan, London Borough of Tower Hamlets
The meeting includes a slot for attendees to share news of any events and projects and tea and biscuits will be provided.
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